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Clinical AI that finds every revenue and quality opportunity

Every Discharge, Every Data Point

Physician-validated AI reviews 30,000 data points for every patient discharge in seconds.

100% Revenue Integrity

Physician-validated AI unlocks a second-pass (Prebill) review of every chart, capturing every revenue and quality opportunity.

5:1 Return on Investment

ROI on Day One: Our results-based pricing means you only pay for approved findings.


Discover how we make a complex issue astoundingly simple. By examining more than 30,000 data points per chart, SmarterDx arrives at differential diagnoses based on notes, labs, medications, orders, vitals, ICD-10 codes and other studies. Counterfactual modeling then quickly and accurately identifies missed CDI and coding opportunities.
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Risk-free. Really. Once opportunities have been discovered, SmarterDx transforms slow, manual searches into rapid “agree” or “disagree” actions that deliver real differential value. Workflow is streamlined for maximum time-savings and effectiveness, providing  100% revenue integrity with 5:1 ROI.
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Optimization. Improvement. Impact. The differential is your potential. From revenue integrity to metrics, SmarterDx can drive your organization forward and beyond. But this is just the beginning of all that we can do together to power performance excellence and better patient care.
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100% Revenue Integrity

Don’t just imagine what 100% revenue integrity could look like. Model the incremental value your institution can generate with SmarterDx.
See the Value

It’s time to get differential!

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